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Netflix’ reboot of Queer Eye, where five gay men help (mostly) straight men go through a makeover in their lives,  is a marvelous show full of touching moments.

But there’s no denying there’s one guy in particular we’re all thirsting over (have you seen him shirtless??) – food and wine expert Antoni Porowski. In a new interview, Antoni talks about his relationships (including with women), and his sweet and to-the-point coming out.

Antoni Porowsky queer eye
Photo: Netflix

33-year-old Antoni “Toni” Porowski’s job on Queer Eye is to help the show’s “heroes” enrich their culinary skills. Antoni used to work as a waiter and food consultant in NY, and these days he’s – understandably – also a model.


Antoni’s been with his boyfriend, Joey, for seven years, but in a new interview with GQ, he reveals he also had meaningful relationships with women in the past.

“I’ve had more lasting relationships with women than I’ve had with men. I’ve had two real relationships with men and actually dated a guy, and then I went back to girls for several years. Now I’m in my relationship now as of seven years.

There definitely was a little bit of a denial there, but it was something that at the time, I really feel like I was being true to myself given where I was at in my life and what I was prepared to deal with, or the kind of life that I had wanted for myself.

But Antoni also had his share of the typical, gay-clubbing scene when he was younger. “In my first relationship”, he recalls, “It was very much about the gay clubs and the night scene and the party drugs and going to those gay staple destination vacations, a.k.a. Mykonos.”

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Antoni says he never had a big “coming out”. In fact, he informed his father of his sexuality with a short e-mail, moments before going into Airplane Mode, literally.

“He made a comment driving me to the airport that I certainly lead a very discreet life. I’m on the plane on the tarmac like, ‘Well, if the plane crashes, I’m going to die and he’s never going to know.’

I decided to send him an email. Because I was living with Joey, my boyfriend now, I wrote my father a very short email: ‘You brought this up. I think it’s time I tell you: I love. I am loved. His name is Joey, and we live together.’ That was it.”

You can read the full interview right here.