The hunky French firemen are coming, and they’re not wearing a lot: The French branch of “Firefighters Without Borders” has published a calendar, in order to raise funds and donations for the NGO (A non-governmental organization). The highlight: The firefighters are the stars, they’re not wearing much, and they’re a sight to look at.

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The French are coming!
Photo: Fred Goudon

Firefighters Without Borders is an international NGO that helps countries that need assistance to recover after a major event or disaster.

The photos were taken by the fashion photographer Fred Goudon, and offer an exciting peek into the lives of these firefighters who risk their lives everyday. The calendar includes “17 pages of sweaty muscles”. So yes, they’re welcome to come and save my life every day of the week.

More French Firefighters
Photo: YouTube

You can watch the “Making Of” video right here – it’s just as steamy as the pictures:

And if that’s not enough for you, there’s always the Tom Daley calendar.

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