Colton Haynes, who recently came out as gay, plays Roy Harper on the TV show “Arrow“, where he helps Oliver Queen fight crime with his super strength. But when a fan was having a seizure at a comic book convention – the real Colton rushed to her aid.

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Colton Haynes - on Arrow
Photo: The CW

The convention was held in Birmingham, UK, The Birmingham Mail reports.

Colton Haynes was at the event with his fellow Arrow co-stars, when 31-year-old Louise Dempsey suffered a seizure and almost collapsed. Haynes was right there to hold her. “I had two seizures in a row”, Louise told The Birmingham Mail:

Colton was behind me and, at one point, he had his arms around me. He was telling me that it was going to be OK, not to cry and not to get upset about it. 

He actually helped me up as well. They took me outside for some air and a guy who was with Colton came outside and helped me.

The other guy turned to be yet ANOTHER TV superhero – Falk Hentschel, who plays Hawkman in DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow.

Louise took to Twitter to thank Colton, and he replied:

If you must get sick… at least make sure Colton Haynes is there to catch you in his muscular arms.