Can we have a day WITHOUT an online video of a naked reality star? Just kidding! This time, it’s Lewis Bloor, of British reality fame.

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But there’s a twist – his very explicit video wasn’t “leaked”, but actually share by his girlfriend, Marnie Simpson, who stars in “Geordie Shore”.

Lewis Bloor
Photos: Instagram

The 26-year-old Lewis Bloor starred in two British reality shows – first “The Only Way Is Essex” and then, being a reality celebrity, he went on to “Celebrity Big Brother”.

His on-and-off girlfriend these days, Marnie Simpson, took to Snapchat to post a video of Bloor walking around with nothing but a hat – and shoes. He doesn’t seem to be shy in any way…

The video is quite fuzzy, but those who look carefully (for science!) can see some dangling anatomy.

Watch it, if you dare, right here:

Of course, Bloor’s not too shy on his own official Instagram account as well:

And a towel –

In the tub –

And yeah – he looks good with his clothes on as well

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