Rejoice – our favourite model, River Viiperi, is naked again, on Instagram, and we get to enjoy his impressive booty and that all-around hot body.

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River Viiperi thailand
Photo: Instagram

River Viiperi is a hot, Spanish-born model who is not only handsome – but also tends to get naked on Instagram. Seriously, he does it a lot. And even though it took a while since the last time – he’s finally doing it again, much to our joy.

Now, it’s not often that we show Instagram photos of women here on GayBuzzer. But River was getting naked in front of his girlfriend, Jessica Goicoechea, and we couldn’t let you miss the sight of his body.

So enjoy:

And if you want some more of his recent sexy photos…

Yep, he’s handsome even when he’s wearing clothes

Look, he also has sexy friends like the world’s hottest maths teacher, Pietro Boselli!

We’ll leave you with this

Mr man Taron