Scott Eastwood, Clint’s 30-year-old son, certainly has his father’s good looks – along with a very impressive physique. Earlier this week, he used that incredible body for a good cause (no, not just our enjoyment), and went down for 22 shirtless push-ups, in support of military veterans.

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Scott Eastwood push-ups
Photo: Instagram

Many celebrities took part in the “22 Push-Ups Challenge” this week. Similar to the infamous “Ice Bucket Challenge”, the celebrities were called to do 22 push-ups, to raise awareness for military veterans’ mental health issues – on average, 22 of them commit suicide every day.

So Scott Eastwood is not one to pass on a challenge – and thankfully, he took it very seriously, taking care to slip his shirt off before falling down for those sweaty-in-the-sun push-ups. Watch right here:

Of course, Scott wasn’t the only hot guy who participates in the challenge. We also had Chris Evans (and his dog):

Chris Pratt and his wife:

And Thor (well, not Chris Hemsworth – it’s an Australian Thor who is just as hot) –

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