Christmas pies, mulled wine, gifts around the tree… and a hot guy wearing nothing but a Santa hat. Is there a better way to celebrate Christmas?

Here are some of the hottest guys who celebrated Christmas on Instagram this year.

1. Aidan Faminoff doing the Ho Ho Ho!

2. Chris is a sexy reindeer

3. Joey Gentile fit the bill perfectly

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4. Leon Chiron being naughty

5. Jordan James being extra naughty

6. Michael Hamm doing his sexy thing

7. Jack Laugher, Matty Lee, Daniel Goodfellow – Triple the divers, Triple the fun

8. Lucas Dell is… Olaf?

9. Sam Callahan Being Festive

10. Andrea Denver Claus

11. A double celebration

12. Devon Kell is all red

13. Luis Fernando seals the deal

… And don’t forget to follow GayBuzzer on Instagram!