I always had a soft spot for Spider-Man. Maybe it’s the tight suit, maybe the switch between Spidey and Peter Parker… and now there’s a new sexy Spider-Man in town, thanks to Zachary Howell and Sarah Hester.

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Zachary Howell as Spider-Man
Photo: Sarah Hester Photography

You might remember Zachary Howell as the “Sexy Harry Potter”, from the amazing photo-shoot he did with Oklahoma City Metro photographer Sarah Hester. The two then took it a step further with a “Sexy Dexter” photo-shoot.

This week, they’re releasing a new entry in their “Dudeoir” series. This time, Zachary is a Sexy Spider-Man:

After Peter Parker comes home from a tough day working and fighting villains he has to unwind a bit.

Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Zachary Howell as Spider-Man
Photo: Sarah Hester Photography

Does Whatever

Zachary Howell as Spider-Man
Photo: Sarah Hester Photography

A Spider Can

Zachary Howell as Spider-Man
Photo: Sarah Hester Photography


Watch the full incredible photo-shoot on Sarah’s website.

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