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Stephen Amell, (also know as the Arrow) visited Vancouver’s Pride Parade this weekend, and posted the photos on social media. Unfortunately, homophobic haters quickly raised their “concerns” – and Stephen took to Facebook to respond perfectly.

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Stephen Amell vancouver pride2
Photos: Twitter / The CW

As we reported yesterday, Stephen had a great time at Vancouver Pride, where he took notice of a very colorful outfit he wanted for himself.

As is often the case, some of the usual haters were upset to see rainbow colors on their feed, and they were quick to write hateful comments. Today, Stephen posted his response on Facebook, basically telling the haters to get lost.

“Facebook! What’s happening! So I’m scrolling through my page this morning”, Stephen wrote, “and I was really taken aback by some of the back and forth commentary after I posted two photos from the Pride Parade / Festivities yesterday in Vancouver.”

“The vast majority were positive, but a laughable amount were negative. I had a fantastic weekend in Vancouver with my wife and friends, met some terrific people and more than anything just tried to soak in all the positive energy from people living their best lives.

If I’m in Vancouver next year I won’t just go back, I’ll walk in the parade. So for everyone in their negative pants: Go be on the wrong side of history on somebody else’s Facebook page.”