Openly gay singer-songwriter-stud Steve Grand is back in business these days – the business of looking like a Greek god. And what better way to display his bulging… well, everything – than by wearing super tight tights? (And possibly going with them to the gym, to impress those straight boys).
Of course, this isn’t the first time Steve Grand’s mighty bulge is on full display. We had those impressive Speedo shots in the past, then there was that green Speedo, and there was even the time when Steve used his bulge to fight Anti-Gay Christians.
Now, in a new Instagram post, Steve is wearing these super-tight leggings, while wondering if he might get arrested for wearing them.
“All the straight bros at my little town gym are going to love them most. ;p”
This photo comes a week after Steve put his muscles on display, with a photo titled “Dad is Back”. Apparently, Steve’s back to eating well, and his weight – consisting of muscles – is up again.
“I’ve been pushing myself to eat more and better food. Eating enough of the good stuff can be a pain. For me especially. I have a very fast metabolism which, most of the time, I feel lucky for!’
Here’s his metabolism in action:
And another one, just because:
Consider us impressed.