Finding gay guys to date can be difficult sometimes. Grindr gets crazy, blind dates are scary, so what’s left? Well, sometimes, you meet cute guys when you least expect it – even at a Chipotle branch.

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You just have to be brave enough to act up on it – which is exactly what this guy on Reddit did.

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“I was eating at Chipotle with two of my friends”, he writes, “and the first employee on the line asked me what I wanted”.

And yes, you guessed it – that employee was super cute. Which happens sometimes when you’re outside – but how often do these cute employees wink at you?

“I ordered three tacos to go, and the really cute guy winked at me, telling me that I might regret it because people get bitchy when they see who took the last ones.

With my friends nudging me, I soon caught on and told the guy to inform angry customers that they could catch me outside. He burst into laughter and told me I gave him the laugh he needed to get through the rest of his shift.

With much encouragement from my friends, I wrote my number on a slip of paper along with the phrase “I ate the taco shells – cash me ousside” and waited in line for ten minutes to give it to him.

My heart was pounding so hard that I couldn’t even look at his reaction! I had to leave and go to the nearby Starbucks with my friends, but they said they could tell it impressed him.

He texted me and we’re supposed to go on a date this Friday night.

Keep an open mind – you never know where it may happen.”

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