We keep calling him “The Sexy Harry Potter“, after the photo-shoot that made him internet-famous – but Zachary Howell‘s been very busy these past few weeks.

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And now, he took part in a sexy, NSFW video – but, disappointingly for us – with a woman.

Zachary Howell as Harry Potter - and in the tub
Photos: Sarah Hester and Cynthia Tran

Zachary rocked the internet last month, with a series of photos taken by Sarah Hester, showing him as a hot Harry Potter lookalike.

Then, he posed as a sexy… Dexter, blood and knives and everything.


Now, Zachary is part of an [un-official] music video, shot by Cynthia Tran, to the sound “Daddy Issues” by The Neighborhood.

The video shows Zachary in a moody bath, along with model Blakele Stephens. It’s all very artsy and dark and impressive – though, unfortunately, Blakelele’s the only one getting naked.

Zachary’s still mighty sexy, though. Watch it right here:
