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James McVey, guitarist and vocalist of popular British band “The Vamps”, just keeps teasing us.

A week after telling the tale of how he was in bed in a hotel with band member Connor Ball, James now took to Instagram to post a photo of the most adorable hug between him and another band member – Brad (Bradley) Simpson.

The Vamps James McVey Bradley Simpson
Photo: Instagram

“The Vamps” is made up of four guys who first gained popularity on YouTube, then saw international success.

The Bromance between 23-year-old James and 21-year-old Bradley isn’t new, and fans have already given it the nickname – “Jadley”.

The latest crowd-pleasing photo shows James and Bradley after a Meet-and-Greet, with the two, well, see for yourself:

Naturally, that wasn’t the first photo we’ve seen of the two being all Bromancy:

Oh and sometimes they bring another band member for the ride:

OK, James and Connor ALSO have a Bromance going:

They’re all just one big happy BroBand…