Good news – Tom Daley’s workout video series is back with a bang, with a six-minute… butt workout. And while you’re supposed to get off the couch and join him – we’re guessing most of you will be too busy gawking at this half-naked body, doing slow motion butt moves. Hey, that burns calories too!

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Tom Daley butt workout
Photo: YouTube

Just in case you’ve been living under a rock, Tom Daley is the 24-year-old Olympic medallist, married to filmmaker Dustin Lance Black, but you already know all that, and want to jump in straight to the sweaty workout.

“When you’re on the beach, everyone’s going to be admiring your bum”, Tom says at the beginning of the video, explaining why you should follow his workout routines. There’s no equipment needed, so there are no excuses.

Now, the slow motion bits are probably the closest to porn we’ll ever get from Tom – so here’s a sample:

So now you HAVE to watch the full video. Here it is:

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