For the past few weeks, Olympic diver Tom Daley’s been supplying us with health tips and tricks in a set of videos, along with marvelous glimpses of his shirtless body. We’ve had lemons, coffee showers, and now… Tom’s back to talk about the body’s fuel source – carbohydrates.

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Tom Daley fatigued
Photo: YouTube

Carbs are not the devil!“, Tom declares, and avoiding them completely would actually hurt your diet. A few of the things we’ve learned from the video:

  • Carbs are our primary energy source
  • You will feel fatigued without carbs
  • Not all carbs are alike – there are simple and complex carbs. You should have more of the complex type
  • It’s really hard to get off the sugar train, but sugary treats every now and then are important
  • If you cut carbs completely, you’ll lose concentration
  • Tom Daley is a sugary treat himself with those adorable glasses

Watch the video right here:

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