The magnificent Tom Hiddleston, who we will always adore for his role as Loki on the Marvel Universe movies, believes that in the name of fairness, we should see more naked men in movies.

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Tom Hiddleston
Photo: Deposit Photos – S_Bukley

In an interview with E! News, regarding his upcoming movie “Crimson Peak“, Hiddleston revealed that he’s going to, well, reveal a fair share of his body – with good reason.

“It’s so often in movies that women are more naked than men and that’s unfair. We wanted to sort of redress the balance.”

The solution? Hiddleston is going to take his clothes off, on-camera.

“I didn’t have a problem with the nakedness because I felt that there’s always been a strain of sexuality in Gothic romance as much as there has been the fear of death and the threat of violence. It’s a very violent film and I felt like we needed to balance that. So if we’re going to bring up the violence we needed to bring up the sense of sexuality.”

Crimson Peak, directed by Guillermo del Toro, is based around the story of an aspiring writer (Mia Wasikowska) who moves to a family estate in England with her husband, played by Hiddleston. The plot takes a dark turn when she is haunted by ghosts and spirits.

Along with Hiddleston, we will also be seeing Charlie Hunnam in “Crimson Peak” – in fact, this movie was one of the reasons Hunnam had to pass on “Fifty Shades of Grey”. Hopefully, he will take a cue from Hiddleston, and strip as well. After all, it’s only fair.

You can watch the trailer right here. The movie is due out in the U.S. on October 16.