Some men, and gay men in particular, it would seem, say there’s “no such thing as too much porn”. Well, a new research begs to differ, claiming porn can damage your relationships AND your erections.

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The research, as Metro reports, was presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Urological Association, and was based on two surveys, conducted separately among groups of men and women.

312 Men (most of them Heterosexuals), aged 20 to 40, answered a questionnaire, where they were asked to detail their porn-watching habits.

20 percent of the men admitted to watching porn three to five times every week, and 4 percent of the men said they preferred masturbating with porn, over actually having sex with a real partner.

The study found a correlation between men who reported lack of sexual satisfaction or desire, and those who were excessively watching porn. In addition, porn was associated with erectile dysfunction, a problem not usually common in men aged 20 to 40.

“We believe that pornography use may be one piece to that puzzle”, said Dr Matthew Christman, the staff urologist who led the study.

Say what you will about gay porn (or any porn), a lot of it is far from realistic when compared to what men can (or should) achieve in real-life sex. But was this ever a problem in your life?