First, the Who – Troy Pes is a 27-year-old model, originally from Venezuela and now based in Australia, who is popular on Instagram (324,000 fans and counting) for a very good reasons – he’s super hot. Plus, as his latest post reveals… he also has a pretty impressive bulge.

Troy Pes bulge and glasses
Photo: Instagram

It’s the ultimate look for some of us hot-nerd lovers – he’s got some glasses on, AND he’s shirtless, AND his underwear are bulging in all the right places.


His fans were obviously flabbergasted, with comments ranging from “that dick print is what I want on my wall print”, to “Perfect package” to the inevitable “Daddy”.

Of course, this isn’t the first time Troy put his magnificent body on display on Instagram. There was this:

And that bulge again…

Active Duty holiday sale

And the glasses…

You get the picture

h/t: Gay Times