Tyler Posey, the 25-year-old star of TV series Teen Wolf, fell victim to an internet leak of nude photos from a private video last year. Addressing it for the first time, Tyler sounds calm about the issue.

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Tyler Posey on teen wolf
Tyler on Teen Wolf [Photo: MTV]

At the time, the leak involved two Teen Wolf stars – both Tyler Posey, and his co-star, Cody Christian. Shortly after the nude photos made their rounds online, sources close to Cody said he felt “violated”. Cody himself later thanked his fans for their “unwavering support” during the crisis.


Tyler, however, never addressed those leaks publicly until now, but speaking to US Weekly, he laughs and says the whole thing is behind him.

“I don’t care. It puts less stress [on you] if you just brush it off.”

Tyler, who will soon star in a film called Decoy, that deals with identity thieves, reveals he also fell victim an incident of identity theft in the past.

“I got a letter in the mail saying I’m a victim of a case of somebody who hacked iCloud. I think I had my identity taken. I think I’ve had it stolen”

And if you’re wondering what Tyler looks like when he’s naked – there was that time when he voluntarily got naked… after losing a game, during a radio show. Then he got whipped. That one’s right over here.