Nachi Pasikov, a 23-year-old Israeli soldier who recently finished his military service, started life as an ultra orthodox Jew. They wear black suits, they don’t get general education (and instead study the Torah) and they segregate themselves from the general population.

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At the age of 18, Nachi decided to leave his former world, and eventually joined the Israeli army. Two weeks ago, in a public Facebook post, he wanted to show the amazing transformation he’s been through – with “Before” and “After” shots.

Nachi Pasikov - before and after
Photo: Facebook

In the post, Nachi described his life-changing past three years:

In a week I’m leaving the army.

Looking back, I’m shocked at the changes I’ve experienced in the past 3 years. I enlisted as an overgrown boy (21) without basic education, running away from my Haredi (Ultra Orthodox) past.

During my military service, with all the hardships and experiences with my friends and commanders, I learned so much about the world, about society, about myself. I understood who I am, what I am, what my place in the world is, and mainly – I stopped running and started blossoming.

Today, after completing %90 of my school matriculation exams during the past year, while getting to know new worlds and concepts, I’m leaving the army satisfied, looking forward to the next challenges. Thank you, Israeli Defence Force.

You can see some more of Nachi’s present (studly) state on his Instagram page:

Leaving his hat on –

The caption quotes – “The best gym exercise is sex in the toilets”

Some regular gym work –

A fighter –

Falcon hug see more