Do you have a female friend who’s trying to figure out if her boyfriend is actually gay? Is there a “straight” buddy in your life, but you’re not sure what he really is? Davey Wavey to the rescue! After recently teaching us the 9 rules of BroJobs, he’s back with his buddy Dana, and 12 signs your boyfriend is gay.

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Davey Davey - 12 Signs Your Boyrfriend Is Gay
Photo: YouTube

So, what are some of those rules?

  • His internet history: Men lie, but browsers don’t!
  • He doesn’t want to have sex until he’s married – Straight dudes want to get laid!
  • If he gets uncomfortable when you talk about gay dudes
  • If you catch him staring at other dudes – and their crotches

And it gets even raunchier than that… Watch the entire thing right here:

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