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Super v Batman (there’s even a gay porn version!) is shattering box office records – along with bad review records – but we’re more interested in what its two starring hunks, Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill have to say – especially when they’re talking about Superhero love.

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Graham Norton - Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams
Photo: BBC

British talk show host Graham Norton came back for a new season (his 19th!) last Friday, and his guests were Affleck, Cavill and Amy Adams.

Norton talked to Affleck about coming on set and seeing Cavill: “You must be kind of like – ‘his arms aren’t THAT big!'”, to which Affleck responds: “That was when we slept together, actually.”


The audience burst into laughter, with Norton noting this is probably in the “deleted scenes”, and Cavill added – “I didn’t stay over!”.

Later in the show, the three guests have fun doing the Batman voice – and Cavill uses it to say: “I’m Batman. And I’m secretly in love with Superman“. Watch that part here:

We’re secretly in love with both, actually.