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Coming out to your parents can be difficult. But when asked “What would you do if your son was gay?” – these anonymous “Whisper” fathers and mothers had these touching responses.

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Stop it Mom…

Be happy for him, then try to hook him up with guys lol I'm gonna be a really embarrassing mom


What’s the big deal?


Why is this even a question? I have a 15 year old son who is gay, and when he told me i Said; ok, what about it? And he got very confused.

The Helper

Love him unconditionally and help him pick out a cute outfit to wear to ask out his crush! :)

The Loving Father


Continue being the father i was when he was born. unconditional love


The Dragon


I would love him to the moon and back, and would bring my dragon fangs out if ANYONE had a problem with that. :-)

The Gay Dads

I'd say "I'm glad you feel that you can tell your dads this sort of thing"


The Fair One

I would treat him the absolute same. Who & what he likes, would not change my love for him, or who he is as a person.


Let’s party!

hug him and throw a rainbow themed party and help him come out to the rest of the family!