“It’s good to have goals”, openly gay singer-songwriter Steve Grand says in one of his latest Instagram posts. And what are we to imply, from that – and the giant zucchini he’s holding?

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Steve Grand Zucchini
Photo: Instagram

The full caption says:

It’s good to have goals.
On an unrelated note, here I am pictured with a giant, overgrown zucchini.

Take from it what you will – but that is indeed a very… large goal (though, as we all know – size doesn’t matter. Or does it?)


And in other Steve Grand news and goals: He’s been doing very manly things these past few days (aside from holding a giant vegetable), building a new sex dungeon recording booth in his house:

Which led to a wonderful photo of Steve handling some power tools:

And then, there’s this:

In any case, we just hope this new recording booth will lead to some new songs from one of our favourite singers (/studs) – zucchini and all.