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It’s been a while since we updated you about the comings and goings of popular YouTuber AbsolutelyBlake – and what better video to return with, than one of Blake – along with another cute friend – cloning their willy?

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AbsloutleyBlake naked cloning willy

YouTuber AbsolutelyBlake (Blake McPherson) often gets naked on social media. Other times, he’s trying out sexy underwear. Oh and he also once tried out a prostate probe, as anyone should.


This time, Blake and his pal Jordan are making silicone clones of their dicks, because why not. (Blake already tried that in the past, but it didn’t go so well because he couldn’t stay fully erect for the process. Apparently, this was not an issue this time)

Blake and Jordan get naked and do the deed – “Make sure you stay hard” – it’s important to follow the instructions!

Watch it all right here:


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