It’s no secret we’ve been following popular/hot YouTuber AbsolutelyBlake for years now – but today, we have a great excuse to take a close look – since it’s his birthday!

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AbsloutleyBlake Blake McPherson shirtless
Photo: Instagram

AbsolutelyBlake, in case you need a reminder, is a popular YouTuber (187,000 followers and counting!) who keeps us entertained by either getting undressed a lot, talking about his sex life, or both of those things at the same time.

So, to celebrate his birth, let’s take a look at some of his hottest moments – both videos and photos (some of the nude photos have been deleted from Instagram, because, you know – Instagram. And it looks like he deleted a lot of his own photos as well, which is sad. But there are still a lot of good ones!)

1. You’re going to see his tongue a lot

2. Told you…

3. Here’s that time when he played underwear couples yoga

4. We love this picture

5. Keeping fit is important

6. It’s almost-naked Twister time!

7. Bananas are good for you

8. In his birthday suit

9. Cloning his willy – double sided. Why not?

10. One more of those

11. Happy Birthday!