Earlier this year, Zachary Howell made us all extremely happy, by becoming a particularly sexy Harry Potter. Now that he’s all grown up though, maybe it’s time to take it a step further…

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And he does, by getting naked in a new photo shoot published on Instagram.

Zachary Howell model nude in the bath tub
Photo: Sarah Hester / Instagram

So, Zachary was a sexy Harry Potter, then he was a sexy Dexter, then he took a sexy, NSFW bath, and now – he’s taking all his clothes off.

The new photos, taken again by Sarah Hester as part of her “Boudoir” series, are in black and white this time. One shows Zachary sitting down, nude, in an artistic position:


And there one in color –


And the third one places him in what looks like a bath, with the caption “Good Morning”. Good morning, indeed!


And here’s another one. Not naked this time, but if you look closely (for science!), you might notice a suspicious looking bulge.



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